Tryout Information
Etowah Junior Eagles Cheer Tryout Information
Etowah Junior Eagles Cheer is not a school sponsored activity. Please email with questions. Tryout information for the 2025 season will be updated soon.
To be eligible to tryout, athletes must have an A-C average (71 or better) in all academic classes, but one and satisfactory conduct grades. All athletes must submit their most recent report card for review. There should be no outstanding disciplinary actions at school. Any disciplinary actions must be reported to the EJC Board.
Attire for Tryout Clinic:
- Black shorts (No Nike pro or spandex)
- T-shirt (can advertise Etowah Eagles, but must not advertise any other cheer organizations)
- High pony
- Sneakers or cheer shoes
- No jewelry
- Monday thru Wednesday April 22nd-24th from 4:30-6:00 pm at ET Booth Gym.
- Registration must be completed online, $45 fee paid, and all paperwork completed and submitted online or your athlete will not be able to participate.
- Cheerleaders will be taught a dance, a cheer, and a chant to be performed at tryouts.
- Cheerleaders will also have the opportunity to work on jumps for tryouts.
- Mats for tumbling will only be available on the day of tryouts.
- Each participant will receive a YouTube link with music to enable them to practice the dance routine.
- To be eligible to tryout, the cheerleader MUST attend all days of the tryout clinic.
- Tryouts will be on Thursday, April 25th at 4:00 pm sharp and run until completed at the new gym at Etowah.
- ATTIRE FOR TRYOUTS: All participants should wear a plain white t-shirt along with the other attire listed above. Tumblers will have the opportunity to warm up prior to tryout.
- Rising 6th graders - must arrive at Etowah by the new gym entrance (closest to the main parking lot) for check-in by 3:45 pm. Tryouts will begin at 4:00 pm sharp!
- Rising 7th and 8th graders - must arrive near the ET Booth bus lane area immediately after dismissal. The girls will be escorted to Etowah HS for tryouts. Estimated start time to begin at 4:45 pm. They will change in the locker room at ET Booth and arrive in tryout attire. Locker rooms will not be available at Etowah.
Team Placement:
- Team placement will be announced Friday, April 26th after 5:00 pm via social media. Emails will be sent out as soon as possible.
- The number of girls chosen for each squad will be determined by the natural break in the scores.
- Each cheerleader will be judged by a panel of collegiate cheerleaders and will be judged in the following categories.
- Showmanship, Spirit & Overall Appearance (15)
- Cheer (10)
- Dance (10)
- Chant (10)
- Toe Touch (10)
- Three consecutive jumps OR tumbling pass (5)
- Attitude (10)
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