Etowah Junior Eagles Cheer - Tryout Information
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Tryout Information

Etowah Junior Eagles Cheer Tryout Information

Etowah Junior Eagles Cheer is not a school sponsored activity.  Please email with questions.  Click HERE for a copy of the slides from the interest meeting on February 29th.

To be eligible to tryout, athletes must have an A-C average (71 or better) in all academic classes, but one and satisfactory conduct grades.  All athletes must submit their most recent report card for review.

Attire for Tryout Clinic:
  • Black shorts (No Nike pro or spandex)
  • T-shirt (can advertise Etowah Eagles, but must not advertise any other cheer organizations)
  • High pony 
  • Sneakers or cheer shoes
  • No jewelry

  • Monday thru Wednesday April 22nd-24th from 4:30-6:00 pm at ET Booth Gym.
  • Registration must be completed online, $45 fee paid, and all paperwork completed and submitted online or your athlete will not be able to participate.
  • Cheerleaders will be taught a dance, a cheer, and a chant to be performed at tryouts.
  • Cheerleaders will also have the opportunity to work on jumps for tryouts.
  • Mats for tumbling will only be available on the day of tryouts.  
  • Each participant will receive a YouTube link with music to enable them to practice the dance routine.
  • To be eligible to tryout, the cheerleader MUST attend all days of the tryout clinic.

  • Tryouts will be on Thursday, April 25th at 4:00 pm sharp and run until completed at the new gym at Etowah.
  • ATTIRE FOR TRYOUTS:  All participants should wear a plain white t-shirt along with the other attire listed above.  Tumblers will have the opportunity to warm up prior to tryout.
  • Rising 6th graders - must arrive at Etowah by the new gym entrance (closest to the main parking lot) for check-in by 3:45 pm.  Tryouts will begin at 4:00 pm sharp!
  • Rising 7th and 8th graders - must arrive near the ET Booth bus lane area immediately after dismissal.  The girls will be escorted to Etowah HS for tryouts.  Estimated start time to begin at 4:45 pm.  They will change in the locker room at ET Booth and arrive in tryout attire.  Locker rooms will not be available at Etowah.

Team Placement:
  • Team placement will be announced Friday, April 26th after 5:00 pm via social media.  Emails will be sent out as soon as possible.
  • The number of girls chosen for each squad will be determined by the natural break in the scores.  

  • Each cheerleader will be judged by a panel of collegiate cheerleaders and will be judged in the following categories.
    • Showmanship, Spirit & Overall Appearance (15)
    • Cheer (10)
    • Dance (10)
    • Chant (10)
    • Toe Touch (10)
    • Three consecutive jumps OR tumbling pass (5)
    • Attitude (10)