Etowah Junior Eagles Cheer - Rules and Policies
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Rules and Policies

Etowah Junior
Eagles Cheer  
Policies & Rules
Cheerleader Eligibility
  • Grades:  Passing grades (A-C, 71 or better) in all but one class as well as satisfactory conduct grades.  Report cards will need to be submitted online when registering and will be requested throughout the season.  
  • Discipline:  No outstanding disciplinary issues at school.
  • Previous Cheer Account:  All uniform rental and balances from any prior season with EJC must be in good standing.
Time Commitments
  • Practices:  Practices will be held twice a week (usually Wednesday & Thursday) starting the first week of school and will continue through October.  These practices will be held at ET Booth by the bus lanes immediately following dismissal.  Cheer coaches, a board member, and team volunteers will be in attendance.  There may also be a need for a few choreography clean up practices in the EHS gym.  Communication will go out about that early in the season.  All practices are MANDATORY.  If practice has to be cancelled for any reason, the school will make an announcement and communication will be sent from the board.  We do our best to make these decisions by 2:00 that day.
  • Games:  Football games are on Saturdays starting in late August and running through October.   They usually last 2-3 hours.  The post season can run through the first week of December.  We typically get the schedule from the football program in late July/early August.  All games are MANDATORY.
Cheer Coaches
  • Etowah Junior Cheer coaches are varsity Etowah cheerleaders that have been screened and selected by the board.  Coaches are employed by the EJC organization.  The primary responsibility of the coaches is to promote team spirit, responsibility for self, proper behavior, respect for others, and to ensure the safety and well-being of each cheerleader at all times.


  • The Cherokee County School District has determined that participation in interscholastic & extracurricular activities is a privilege for students enrolled in the School District.  A student participating in such activities is considered to be a school leader; and, with leadership comes additional responsibility.  Consequently, students must adhere to the standards and expectations contained in the School District's Activity Code of Conduct (Appendix J).  This document can be found under the documents tab on the website.  As such, if a student violates these standards, schools may withdraw the privilege of participating in these activities, regardless of whether the violation occurred at a school-related or non-school related activity.  Schools may also withdraw the privilege of participating in these activities if the student violations occur outside of the scope of the activity's "season"; or beyond the scope of the school day or year.

    • Expectations:

      • Display a strong work ethic.

      • Have a positive attitude on and off the field.

      • Respect all coaches, board members, team moms, fellow squad members, and authority figures.

      • Attend ALL mandatory camps, practices, and games.

      • Adhere to the dress code for practices and games.

      • Keep all grades above passing (A-C, 71 or better) in all classes except one and keep good conduct grades.  Report cards will be required to be turned in and if there are any violations to the academic policy, the cheerleader will be put on academic probation for one quarter and then be required to re-submit their grades.  If they are still in violation of the academic policy, they will be dismissed from the Etowah Junior Cheer program.  Academic probation only applies to cheerleaders who have been assigned to a squad.

      • Display appropriate behavior in their daily life.  This includes, but is not limited to: no fighting, no cursing and or the display of other disruptive or inappropriate behavior in public or social networks.  DO NOT USE drugs, alcohol, vapes or tobacco - use of such products is strictly prohibited and will be grounds for dismissal.

      • DO NOT USE social media, personal email, personal cell phone to threaten, intimidate, or insult or bully others.  This includes, but is not limited to, text messages, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Snapchat communication or any other social media.  Any inappropriate screen names, pictures, phrases, or songs on your social medial page/profile or text may result in disciplinary action as well.

      • As cheerleaders and representatives of the Etowah Junior Cheer Program, you are role models and are expected to be on your best behavior at all times.  Discipline will be based on the severity of the violation.  It may include sitting out of all or part of a game or could result in dismissal from the squad.  Depending on the severity of the violation, The Board will discuss the issue with the Etowah Athletic Director and determine the consequences.


  • Our first priority is the safety of the cheerleaders.  Our second priority is for each squad to have fun representing the Etowah district by showcasing their talent on the sidelines as well as during the halftime show.  It will take many hours of hard work involving the entire squad to make this happen.  As a parent/guardian of an Etowah Junior Cheerleader, your child's squad will need your help and support and expect you as a parent/guardian to:

    • Attend all parent/guardian meetings.

    • Pay all cheerleading fees by the due dates.

    • Ensure that your child is at all required practices, games, and camps dressed appropriately and on time!  If a pattern begins with a parent that is consistently late, your cheerleader may have to sit out a specified amount of time at the next game and could be removed from the squad.  This pertains to pick up as well.

    • Give positive support to coaches, cheerleaders, team moms, and board members at all times.

    • Attend the games and display good spirit, sportsmanship, and attitude.

    • Sign and adhere to the "Appendix J:  Student Activity Code of Conduct."

    • Support your cheerleader and encourage team spirit and cooperation.

    • Go through the chain of command for all issues:  starting with the team mom and going up from there to solve problems/disputes.
    • Pick up your cheerleader in a timely manner after practices.  If you are habitually late picking up your cheerleader from practice, demerits will be issued.
    • Support the organization by volunteering your time.  There are many volunteer opportunities available (practice parents, banner parents, dance chaperones, etc.).  It is the expectation that each family will volunteer 2-3 hours during the season.

    • Failure to abide by the parent responsibilities may result in one or all of the following:

      • Suspension of the parent/guardian(s) from practices and/or games.

      • Your child being dismissed from the squad.

Attendance Policy

  • Cheerleaders must arrive on time, fully dressed for each practice or game.  An absent cheerleader affects the entire team's opportunity to safely practice and perform their skills, particularly relating to their halftime routine, to which they have dedicated significant time, and extraordinary heart, sweat, and teamwork.

  • Absences:  Parents MUST email the board regarding any cheerleader absences, tardies, or if your cheerleader needs to leave early.  Notifying the team mom does NOT mean the board has or will be notified.  Always send an email to

  • Excused absences:

    • Death in the family

    • Personal illness with doctor's note

    • Religious holiday/event

  • Unexcused absences:

    • Any absences that do not meet the requirements of an excused absence.

    • Any unexcused missed practice from August-October will result in sitting out the first quarter of the following game, NO EXCEPTIONS.

    • Any unexcused missed game will result in sitting out the first half of the following game, NO EXCEPTIONS.
    • If any cheerleader accumulates 2 unexcused absences during the season, they will be removed from the halftime routine.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Other absences:

    • Any other absences must be turned into the board in writing in a timely manner for consideration on a case-by-case basis.  This is intended to allow families to attend important events such as family weddings, baptisms, reunions, school functions, etc.

  • Tardies:

    • First time offense will result in a warning.

    • Excessive tardies are not permitted and will result in demerits.

  • Injuries:

    • Cheerleaders who are unable to cheer due to injury must attend each practice or game in full dress/uniform, and sit with the coach/team.

  • Mandatory Dates:

    • Cheerleaders are expected to attend ALL mandatory dates for the entire duration of the event including camps, team building, practices, and games.

    • Some dates have not been officially set in stone, and are, therefore, subject to change; attendance is still expected, regardless of changes. 
    • Labor Day weekend/Fall break:  Games are scheduled Labor Day weekend as well as one of the weekends during the Cherokee County fall break.  These are treated as all other games for attendance purposes.

Dress Code
  • Practices:  

    • Hair in ponytail

    • Practice tank or shirt
    • No show socks

    • Appropriate sports bra (white, black, or grey Razorback/make sure no bra straps are showing)

    • White cheer shoes with white laces

    • Correct practice wear per day

    • No jewelry, including anklets

  • Fridays before Game Day:  Uniforms will be worn to school on the Friday prior to games UNLESS otherwise instructed by coaches/board.

  • Games:

    • Hair in high ponytail (unless otherwise specified)

    • Team bow

    • No show white socks

    • No jewelry, including anklets

    • White cheer shoes with white laces

    • Uniform

    • White Racerback sports bra
    • Must bring poms, team water jug, cheer bag with all apparel - jacket, leggings.  If wearing leggings to the game, pack bloomers in your bag.

    • All athletes must be in the SAME uniform throughout the entire game, including, if necessary, raincoat, leggings, jacket, etc.  If a cheerleader does not have the item needed, they will sit out until it is brought to the game.

  • Dress Code Infractions:  Demerits will be given for dress code infractions.  An infraction will not be given if the offense is immediately fixable, i.e. a cheerleader left her watch on, but can remove it when reminded OR if a cheerleader forgot a bow, but her teammate has an extra.

  • Pom Poms are provided by EJC and are the property of the program.  Each cheerleader will be responsible for their pair of poms during the season.  Poms are to be returned to EJC at the end of the season.  Any cheerleader with lost or damaged beyond use poms will be charged $25 for their replacement.  


  • Home Games:  Arrive on the track in uniform and ready to warm up 30 minutes before game time.

  • Away Games:  Arrive on the track in uniform and ready to warm up 45 minutes before game time.

  • Cheerleaders are expected to stay for the duration of the game.  Leaving a game early is not permitted and will require your cheerleader to sit out half of the next game.

  • Games WILL be scheduled over Labor Day weekend and Fall Break.  Please make note of this on your calendar now and plan accordingly.  

  • Girls must be on the track and in their spot at the 7-minute mark in the 3rd quarter.


  • Etowah Junior Cheerleaders are leaders in the community representing the Etowah Cheer program.  Participation in this program is an honor and a privilege and as such, our cheerleaders are expected to act above and beyond the expectation of conduct.

  • To achieve these goals, we use a demerit system.  This demerit system is our primary disciplinary tool, and it serves as a general guideline for the expectations of every Etowah Junior Cheerleader.  Demerits are cumulative throughout the season; and can be given by coaches or EJC Board.  Coaches and EJC Board reserve the right to assign extra demerits, as they deem necessary.  Cheerleaders dismissed from the Etowah Junior Cheer Program will not be entitled to any refunds.

  • Point Allocation:

    • 1 point:  Use of cell phone without permission during practice or game.

    • 1 point:  Arrival to game in incomplete uniform.

    • 1 point:  Not following weekly practice wear attire.

    • 1 point:  Excessive talking or horse play during practice or game.

    • 1 point:  Absence at practice or game with notification to the Board.
    • 1 point:  Long nails, artificial nails, colored nail polish (neutral polish is permitted) at games or practice.

    • 1 point:  Leaving trash behind at practice or game.

    • 1 point:  Habitually being picked up late from practice.  Warning will be issued first.  After the warning, demerits will be given.
    • 1 point:  Entering locker room before second wave dismissal.
    • 2 points:  Leaving practice or game early with notification to the Board.
    • 2 points:  Being tardy to game, practice, or half time break with notification to the Board.

    • 3 points:  Leaving early or being tardy to a practice or game with NO notification to the Board.
    • 3 points:  Use of foul language or poor sportsmanship.
    • Sit out 1/4 of game:  Unexcused missed practice.
    • Sit out 1/2 of game:  Unexcused missed game.
    • 6 points*:  Arguing, bullying, gossiping, or fighting.

    • 6 points*:  Insubordination, extreme unsportsmanlike conduct, inappropriate/disrespectful behavior toward any Etowah Junior Cheer coach, team parent, volunteer, or toward the opposing team and their coaches, parents, etc.

    • 6 points*:  ANY inappropriate or illegal behavior on social media, email, or text, including, but not limited to, saying/posting/lip-syncing curse words, racial slurs, sexual messages/innuendos, posting/texting/emailing inappropriate or potentially harmful photos, inappropriate dress, inappropriate posts/messages on personal page/account or third parties page/account, etc.

    • 6 points*:  Inappropriate behavior that results in suspension or reflects negatively on the reputation of Etowah Junior Cheer Program - failure to abide by Cherokee County Code of Conduct (Appendix J), etc.  Use of smoking/vapes, drinking, drugs will result in immediate dismissal from Etowah Junior Cheer.

  • Accumulated Points & Consequences: 

    • 3 points:  Conditioning - 25 pushups, 25 sit ups, 15 burpees, run 1 lap
    • 6* points:  Conditioning:  25 pushups, 25 sit ups, 15 burpees, run 1 lap AND sit out the first quarter of the following game.  
    • 9 points:  Conditioning:  50 pushups, 50 sit ups, 25 burpees, run 1 lap AND sit out the first quarter of the following game.
    • 12 points:  Conditioning:  50 pushups, 50 sit ups, 25 burpees, run 2 laps AND sit out the first half of the following game.
    • 15 points:  Immediate removal from the half-time routine.
    • 20 points:  Dismissed from the squad.
    • Unexcused missed practice:  Sit out the first QUARTER of the following game.
    • Unexcused missed game:  Sit out the first HALF of the following game.
    • 2 Unexcused absences:  Immediate removal from halftime routine.

    *Any offense in the 6-point category will result in automatic sitting of the first quarter of the following game.